A little known fact about Byte Technology is that in the early days of the company our founders started out running the service themselves. They grew a nearly eight figure fresh vending business serving hundreds of locations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area! You can read more about some of the learnings in this blog post.
Lee Mokri
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Sales Tips from Our Founder
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 4, 2021 12:09:36 PM / by Lee Mokri posted in Best Practices, Getting Started
How to Acquire Your First (or Hundredth) Location
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 6, 2021 12:10:44 PM / by Lee Mokri posted in Best Practices, Getting Started
The promise of the Byte Technology platform is compelling - an easy, low cost way to sell food anytime and anywhere. To get started, the most important step is to find your first location. In the 6+ years of operating this business, we've seen a myriad of locations perform exceptionally well for our clients. Locations can include apartment buildings, workplaces, warehouses, hotels, airports, community centers, hospitals or health clinics, universities, or anywhere else you can imagine someone wanting a quick bite to eat.
Need products? Try your local wholesale club.
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 16, 2020 11:47:50 AM / by Lee Mokri posted in Best Practices, Getting Started
Whether you're looking to create a product set from scratch or simply round out the existing set you have, your local wholesale club can be a fantastic resource. Join Byte Technology founder Lee Mokri on a quick trip to Costco. He'll demonstrate just how easy it is to stock an entire Byte fridge using products found at Costco, what products to look for, and how to think about gross margin.
Because you are buying in bulk, wholesale clubs like Costco or Sam's Club are great resources for an affordable array of drinks, snacks, and even fresh prepared meals. In one thirty minute shopping trip, Lee shows how he's able to fully stock a Byte kiosk with $300 of food that should retail at a total of nearly $750.