Byte Technology Blog

Need products? Try your local wholesale club.

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 16, 2020 11:47:50 AM / by Lee Mokri

Lee Mokri


Whether you're looking to create a product set from scratch or simply round out the existing set you have, your local wholesale club can be a fantastic resource. Join Byte Technology founder Lee Mokri on a quick trip to Costco. He'll demonstrate just how easy it is to stock an entire Byte fridge using products found at Costco, what products to look for, and how to think about gross margin. 

Because you are buying in bulk, wholesale clubs like Costco or Sam's Club are great resources for an affordable array of drinks, snacks, and even fresh prepared meals. In one thirty minute shopping trip, Lee shows how he's able to fully stock a Byte kiosk with $300 of food that should retail at a total of nearly $750.

Topics: Best Practices, Getting Started

Lee Mokri

Written by Lee Mokri

Lee Mokri is the founder and VP Sales at Byte Technology. Lee works with 100s of Byte Technology clients and has scaled sales teams responsible for securing over 1000 locations for Byte kiosks.